
Marginsarethespacesbetweentheedgeofawindowareaandtheelementswithinthatwindowarea.Marginwidthsaredefinedusingfixedorscalingvaluesfor ...,Inmostcases,thereshouldbe8dpormorespacebetweenthem.Sizeelementsatleast48dphighandwidetoensureaphysicalsizeofabout9mmregardlessof ...,Itemshavepaddingtocreatethespacingbetweenindividualitems.Therearefivegridbreakpoints:xs,sm,md,lg,andxl.Integervaluescanbegivent...


Margins are the spaces between the edge of a window area and the elements within that window area. Margin widths are defined using fixed or scaling values for ...

Metrics & keylines

In most cases, there should be 8dp or more space between them. Size elements at least 48dp high and wide to ensure a physical size of about 9mm regardless of ...

React Grid component

Items have padding to create the spacing between individual items. There are five grid breakpoints: xs, sm, md, lg, and xl. Integer values can be given to each ...

Responsive layout grid

Margins are the space between content and the left and right edges of the screen. Margin widths are defined as fixed values at each breakpoint... Read more.


Spacing is the negative area between elements and components. It is commonly controlled in code with margin and padding . Carbon offers several methods such ...


Use the theme.spacing() helper to create consistent spacing between the elements of your UI. Material UI uses a recommended 8px scaling factor by default.

Spacing methods

Spacing methods. Spacing methods use baseline grids, keylines, padding, and incremental spacing to adjust ratios, containers, and touch targets.

Understanding layout

To ensure that Material Design layouts are visually balanced, most measurements align to 8dp, which corresponds to both spacing and the overall layout.

Understanding layout

Material Design layout encourages consistency across platforms, environments, and screen sizes by repeating visual elements and using consistent spacing.